Saturday, 26 October 2013

Understanding Semiotics


As my dissertation is heavily focussed on semiotics it is important to understand all the terminology so that I am able to write fluently about the topic.

I will use this post to document and define words that I come across through doing research.


"A signifier is the thoroughly material aspect of a sign."


the signified is the mental concept that is associated with the signifier


'Of or denoting the relationship between a set of linguistic items that form mutually exclusive choices in particular syntactic roles.'


a linguistic unit consisting of a set of linguistic forms (phonemes, words, or phrases) that are in a sequential relationship to one another.

- make a sentence from words - 'The cat sat on the mat'

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

COP - Focus

Change of Direction

After the presentations last Friday and after trying to really specify what it was I was doing I have changed my topic slightly, so that it focusses more on semiotics, packaging and design, rather than marketing and advertising.

I am going to focus on researching how fragrances and perfumes are sold. I find this area interesting because it isn't possible to smell the product just by looking at the image, but, in a way, you can through the use of semiotic structures and subconscious reading of images.

I am leaving the focus of celebrities behind, although some research I have already done may contribute at some point as perfume advertisements often use celebrities.

I will analyse the semiotic systems used in fragrance advertising and packaging and decode the audience they are being sold to and what they are signifying. 

In terms of the practical applications for this topic, I would like to create a series of adverts that sell the same product to different audiences through the use of image. I am also interesting in the packaging of products and would like to package products that are named after the people who buy them- making what is communicated subconsciously obvious on an immediate level. For example the name on the box will be 'Middle aged woman trying to recapture youth' written in the typeface of the product that is aimed at this demographic.

I will continue to blog online sources on this page but mainly I need to start collecting a bank of perfume advertisements and begin analysing them and organising them.

The key questions that I want to discuss are:

What common semiotic systems are used in perfume advertisements to attract different audiences?

What have been the most successful and least successful perfume advertisements and why?

What does the audience believe makes them choose a certain perfume brand based on advertisements?

How does the packaging and shape of the bottle communicate the same message that is portrayed in printed advertisements?

Friday, 18 October 2013

Post Presentation Action

Narrowing down the topic

After Presenting where I am at now I know that I need to find a specific area of focus within Celebrity Endorsements, I think the best way to finding this is going to be to buy a load of glossy magazines that are rife with print advertisements using celebrities, this will help me find a specific area of focus, and also feed into what the practical element could be.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Initial Direction Boards


In advance of the first COP tutorial session tomorrow I have made these boards to give a quick and brief overview of my topic.

The problem I have now is narrowing the topic down into a specific area of interest. I need to ensure that the topic I choose has a strong connection to a potential practical outcome.

I have listed a few options that I am interested in doing for the practical side, I will use the discussion tomorrow to determine which route would be best to go down.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Organising Research

Sorting it out

I have a growing amount of research into a variety of aspects of Endorsements and Advertising, too make the project clear and to begin even forming some original content I need to divide the research into logical sections.

As a start I have isolated these sections, some of the content may spill over these boundaries but should help in focussing research and resulting in a more focussed piece of writing.

Responsibility and Selling Out are very closely linked and that is the content that I want to summarise the writing with.


This section will form the introduction to the project, looking into the idea of transferring qualities through association. Giving meaning to meaningless products etc.

Heavily drawing from Bernays' ideas from
The Century of the Self, making people want what they don't need and shifting the focus from 'need' to 'desire'. 

This section will also include the decoding of advertisements and look into low attention processing and subconscious connections.

Effective Advertising

This section will look into case studies of past endorsements and how they have succeeded or failed, in terms of profit and exposure. Also how the advert has effected the identity of both the celebrity and the company. Looking into books that promote endorsement from a completely positive angle will give an insight into the positives promised by using endorsements.

 Gauging the publics reaction to a campaign will give a clearer insight into what works for everyone and also this will feed into the Selling Out section in terms of when it is acceptable and when it is plain money grabbing-ly unacceptable.

Good Advertising 

This will look into the basic principles of good advertising and how celebrity endorsement lives up to these. Referencing and researching Bill Bernbach and his opinions on celebrity endorsement. Also seeing if celebrity endorsement can ever be creative or if it's just a lazy solution to shift some goods. 
I find adverts like the Snickers one with Mr.T interesting because it seems to make sense, it's funny and it perfectly suits Mr.T as a brand/ character. I think the difference between this and other endorsements is that this advert has a very strong concept and doesn't rely solely on the celebrity's identity like all fragrances and underwear etc. do.

Modern Endorsement

This section will look at how endorsement is being used today, looking into modern advertisements and also how social media has brought us closer to celebrities and how this is being exploited through paid endorsement.

The idea of co-promotion/ product placement will also be relevant in this section, looking into how big movies are funded by companies and how actors are often forced into promoting a product due to the investors in the film.

Responsilbility/ Selling Out

This section will draw from a lot of aspects from the previous sections and sum up the responsibility advertising holds, and also the responsibility of a celebrity. This section will define selling out.
Looking into celebrities, past and present, who have managed to maintain their artistic integrity and also those who have completely sold out. Bill Hick's will have something to say in this section.

Also drawing from the recent letters from Sinead O Connor to Miley Cyrus will be very relevant here as she speaks clearly about responsibility and how Miley is damaging her future.

These sections may expand or combine further down the line, but for now I will try to organise all research under blog posts with the corresponding titles.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Bill Hicks on Endorsements

Tone of Voice

Bill Hick's has a clear stand on marketing and advertising in general,

Initial Research Into Endorsements

Infographic on Young peoples opinions of celebrity endorsements

Controversial celebrity endorsements:

Weird Endorsements:

Kim K Toilet Paper?

Silly Endorsements:

More Disasters:

"The line has blurred between a celebrity who is known for entertainment talent and one for whom his or her primary accomplishments are business ventures."

Another article:

Good Tone of Voice in this article:

Good Summary:

"The basic idea of the endorsement is pretty simple. People like celebrities. If those celebrities say that they like a product, people will like that product, too."

"So, what accounts for this celebrity effect? Endorsements could be a signal of quality -- but the modern consumer is sophisticated. They know money's changing hands. At a deeper level, we seem to crave connection to the famous and the powerful."

Experiment: 'A total of 329 Spanish people over the age of 18 were shown  the two advertisements, with 162 being shown the UNICEF-Pau Gasol combination and 169 being shown the UNICEF-Penelope Cruz combination.'
These Hypothesis were supported with the experiment data:

  • Higher celebrity credibility will be positively correlated with the attitude toward the advertisement.
  • Higher credibility of the organisation will be positively correlated with the attitude toward the advertisement.
  • Higher perceived fit of the celebrity with the social cause will be positively correlated with the attitude toward the advertisement.
  • Higher attribution of pure motives to the celebrity will be positively correlated with the attitude toward the advertisement.
  • Higher perceived fit of the celebrity with the social cause will be positively correlated with attribution of pure motives to the celebrity.
  • Higher attitude toward the celebrity will be positively correlated with the perceived fit of the celebrity with the social cause.
  • Higher acceptance of the practice of celebrity endorsements in social causes will be positively correlated with the perceived fit of the celebrity with the social cause.
  • Higher attitude toward the advertisement will be positively correlated with behavioral intentions.
  • Higher credibility of the organization will be positively correlated with behavior intentions.

  • - See more at:

    Potential references:
    Celebrity Sells by Hamish Pringle
    Celebrity Endorsements: Theoretical Explanations of Meaning Transfer - and Schema-based-Models - Recent Developments    

    Will Work for Shoes - Susan Ashbrook

    Wednesday, 2 October 2013

    New Blog for Level 06

    All briefs completed in level 06 will be documented on this blog.
    All work from Levels 4 & 5 can be found here: